
--- These are the archives of pass postings from my 2012 and 2014 State Rep campaign ---

moved to archive 1/11/21 - Notice: Nov. 27 2020
Robert (Bob) T. Joseph Jr.
2020 Democrat Candidate for NH House Belknap 1 has been admitted to Concord Hospital.
I ask all to keep Bob in your prayers and consider sending him a note or card of your concern.

To the voters of District 17 I would like to continue to ask that you research the candidates.

Ask the candidate's views of the NH Constitution, freedom, personal rights, parental rights, what the Grievance Committee is for, and NH Article 2 and 2-a. Review what a Democrat should represent (review Kennedy and Reagan Democrats). Learn what NH Democrat Party constitution preamble means.

This election is important in deciding NH future. Questioned the candidates why the General Court is unwilling to work together for NH and its citizens but instead for increasing party power. I hope you will talk with the candidates and ask why parties and candidates must continue to demonize others and groups instead of discussing the information and effects of NH policies on its citizens. Then decide if you wish for an increase or decrease in taxes, more or less liberties and personal choice or government mandates in your life, family and future and who to support.

Voters will have a choice for Tom Ploszaj who respects our constitution, listens to people’s concerns and understands that this NH House seat belongs to the people and not to the party of the winning candidate. My campaign is to be elected as the person who will best serve all the voter’s concerns.
I ask that any negative campaigning and scare literature be brought to my attention so I can correct mine (if any)and address the misinformation from others. I will take care to eliminate any negative campaigning and address the facts and data.
I am available to share information and my personal views with the people of our district on issues which will affect NH and our way of life.

Contact me at any time for an independent Democratic view of NH politics. This is YOUR state not that of special interests or the political parties. Many of today's issues in NH may stem from voting for who obeys the party instead of the person who listens to the voter.

I ask you to vote for Tom Ploszaj so we can work together in having our district heard in Concord.

— Tom Ploszaj

Hello. [I will keep my campaign content available for historical access. I'll add new content as time and events permit sharing information and views.
Thank you for visiting, your comments and suggests are always welcome.....]

I am asking the voters of Grafton Floterial District 17 ( Alexandria, Ashland, Bridgewater, Bristol, Enfield, Grafton ) to elect me to represent them as their Democratic candidate for the NH House and to have me serve them as one of their three representatives in the New Hampshire House. Enfield will have two representative for the house.

I would like to offer the people a change and to have their issues and concerns heard in Concord. I will serve the people of Floterial District 17 by making their views my priority and major focus in Concord.

My wife Marta and I have four children and three grandchildren. We are presently renovating our home in Grafton in addition to caring for our two cats and chickens while enjoying the resident crow and chipmunk that appears to also enjoy us and our home.

I'm retired after 15 years with Uniroyal Specialty Chemicals-Compton Corp. as an analytical scientist with a chemical engineering degree and as a member of the United Auto Workers (UAW 626) for 15 years with NDH-General Motors as a machine and line operator.

I'm a volunteer Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) with over 37 years of experience working alongside law enforcement and fire safety in caring for people while serving my community as a commissioner to town boards. I am presently a Grafton Cemetery Trustee.

I look forward to you contacting me and discussing your satisfaction with how the General Court acted on your behalf and how your issues or concerns were handled during the last three elections.

I will expand this website and information daily

Thank you for your emails and phone calls during the campaign. I am still interested and available to discuss issues and what you would like to see happen in Concord.
I will keep the information from my campaign on site for reference in our belief that representation should be for the constituents not the parties and special interests.

[From my campaign]

We are less than a week away from the Democrat Primary on Tuesday Sept. 11th. As always I will still be available from 8am until 11pm for emails and phone calls. There may have been issues we did not cover in our correspondences. I believe most of those can be found in the surveys that I have listed. One of the better surveys was the NH Public TV www.nhptv.org which allows the candidate an essay format in place of a Y/N or multiple choice.

I will continue my campaign to involve the voters of District 17 to check out the candidates, decide who will best meet your criteria in representing your views and who was available, offering and requesting that You ask the candidates the hard questions on all the issues. I have attempted to list all the issues you brought to my attention. I did not prioritize them. One of the latest is the "Wind Farms" that generate electricity. I will do additional research on the issue for a better understanding of the subject.

Your first step in a more responsive government in to vote Your choice this Sept. 11th for the candidate who has earned your vote. Your next step to keep whomever may be chosen responsive to you and the district views on the issues.
I will see you at the polls soon.
Thank you.

Hello District 17.
I'm sad to report that it is “politics as usual" as we get closer to the September 11th primary. It may appear that that my platform to represent Democrats as individuals has upset some. The Yellow election signs of which you have seen have been disappearing. I thank those that requested replacement signs.

I have been made aware of some possible negative campaigning and I would hope to believe that my fellow Democrats do not approve of this type of campaigning. I will continue my positive campaign to ask the voters of District 17 how they would like to be represented. This is one of the reasons I believe I am the type of neighbor you would like to represent you in Concord.

Research all the candidates and study their views. My views are public. My platform is to ask you how you wish to be represented. The voters will choose September 11th if they want me to represent them as their Democratic candidate or another who will represent the party powers and special interests.

I understand that to some this “politics as usual” and winning at any cost may be a legitimate goal.

I do not believe that this is what my fellow Democrats and the voters want. This being another example of how once again politics will be in Concord if someone other than you and I are sitting in the Grafton Floterial District 17 .

Hello. I have not yet answered on line a question I have been ask numerous of times in person and of which you may have been asking yourselves..... How do I pronounce my name "Ploszaj".

It is a Polish name; my grandparents came from Europe in the early 1900’s.
The best I can attempt in print is the American version “plo shay’ ”
The “o” and “a” are long vowels like “low” and “hay” with the accent on the second syllable.
I apologize to those who recognize it as being Polish and in Polish as “plush i “.

I hope I will have the pleasure of pronouncing it for you in person before the Democratic Primary on September 11th

Hello District 17.
Please contact me if I have missed you while visiting your neighborhood and you would like me to stop by at a more convenient time.

A thank you for your patience if we have met more than once during these last two month of visits to your towns and also to those who have met my wife Marta, making it an enjoyable experience for her.

To the "Thursday's Bristol Concert Attendees"
Thank you for allowing me the pleasure to say hello, introduce my wife Marta and join with you these past Thursdays in enjoying the music at Kelly Park. I will attempt to remain available in person and by phone to address any issues you may have.

I hope you enjoyed as much as myself our discussions on the issues of the elderly, family, firearms, education, taxes, health, civil rights, and my personal beliefs.
I am pleased that several people have asked the pointed questions in order to better know the character of the person representing them. I believe you now better appreciate my campaign to once again have a Democratic candidate who will represent all the people in District 17 above any organization’s agenda.

I will share the flow of our topic with others that have yet to ask why they have been targeted.

My campaign color is YELLOW! Because I want you to SEE me! Talk with me! Tell me what you want done in Concord. I am easy to find. I do not hide. I campaign at your door, face to face not from a comfortable chair with a mailing list nor will I ask you to question someone else’s’ position because it is YOUR position that matters.

From my webstie, my phone chats, personal meetings to the message in your door. I encourage the voters of District 17 to research all the candidates, ask us the “whys”, put us on the spot and then decide which candidate has made available more than five ways to be contacted and who would be available to represent you in the next 2 years.

I am proud that this may be the first year that the Democrat and Undeclared voters of District 17 have the opportunity to elect a Democratic State Representative, one that will serve them and not a special interest group.

Hello "Enfield Transfer Station". Sorry I missed your call. I hope the message I left help explained my view on any new taxes.

For Florterial District #17 constituents.

First, I do believe the present form of property tax is a regressive tax. It affects the unemployed and retired property owners the most. The financial punishment of higher assessments prevents the renovation of properties and thus, helps stunt our economy by not hiring construction companies, the trades people, and material suppliers.

Secondly, I have not seen data where the addition of a new income tax or an increased sales tax has ultimately lowered an individual's property taxes in other states.

To "Enfield T.S" question of my position on a sales tax or income tax and their concern of their property tax was that:

I will not support any new general taxes unless verifiable data is tied to a constitutional amendment that guarantee an equivalent decrease of property taxes payable to the property owner.

I am available to both review any data that collates a no increase in spending after the implementation of a general sale or income tax and to engage in any discussion of how best to address the New Hampshire’s property tax issue.

Thank you “Bristol” for your phone call. This is a public update of my response to your questions:

I have decided to run for District #17 because I believe that the voters would like a different conduct from “Concord” and that I would be the better candidate to attempt to fulfill this belief.

Yes, I have been a registered Democrat since 1972 which is public information.

In the September 11th Democratic Primary, a ballot casted for me will be the first step to have a Democrat candidate whose pledge is to represent all the people of District 17 in the November 6th General Election.

I would like to offer the people a change and to have their issues, concerns and Voices Heard in Concord. I will strive to serve all the people of Floterial District 17 and make their views my priority and major focus in Concord.

During the past four years I have been active in following the issues of the General Court. I have presented testimony, information and views to committees and legislators on proposed legislation. I have listened to organizations, special interest groups and lobbyists present testimony that represent their views of what is best for you and New Hampshire.

I have decided that I would ask the voters of District 17, to elect me and give you the chance to Have a Say and to Be Heard.